A back seam runds down the back of the leg with a gold or silver lurex embellishment....more
Produktinformasjon "Gerbe - Sensuous mønstret back seam strømpebukse Artifice"
A back seam runds down the back of the leg with a gold or silver lurex embellishment. Ultraflat, knitted, seamless and absolutely invisible waistband providing excellent support without being too tight.
87% polyamide, 10% elastane, 2% polyester, 1% silk
Available sizes: 1/XS, 2/S, 3/M, 4/L, 5/XL
Available sizes: 1/XS, 2/S, 3/M, 4/L, 5/XL
Available colours: noir-argent (with silver pattern), noir-or (with gold pattern)

Made in France
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